Monday, November 22, 2010


A hobo [pedinte] comes up to [aparece] the front door of a neat looking [bela] farmhouse [sede, casa do dono da fazenda] and raps gently on the door [bate gentilmente na porta] . When the farm owner [proprietário, fazendeiro] answers [abre a porta], the hobo asks him, “Please, sir, could you give me something to eat [alguma coisa para comer]? I haven’t had a good meal in several days [faz dias que não como um bom prato de comida].”

The owner says, “I have made a fortune [fiz fortuna] in my lifetime [na vida] by supplying goods [fornecendo bens, mercadorias] for people. I’ve never given anything away [Nunca dei nada] for nothing [de graça, sem pedir algo em troca]. However [No entanto], if you go around the back [se você for aos fundos da casa], you will see [você vai encontrar] a gallon of paint [tinta] and a clean paint brush [pincel]. If you will paint my porch [pintar minha varanda], I will give you [te dou, te darei] a good meal.”

So the hobo goes around back and a while later [um pouco depois] he again [de novo] knocks on the door [bate na porta]. The owner says, “Finished already? [Já terminou?] Good. Come on in [Entre]. Sit down. The cook [cozinheiro] will bring your meal right in [já vai trazer a sua comida].”

The hobo says, “Thank you very much, sir. But there’s something that I think you should know [o senhor deveria saber]. It’s not a Porsche you got there [Seu carro não é um Porsche]. It’s a BMW [É uma BMW].”

MORAL DA HISTÓRIA: A confusão acontece porque as palavras “porch” (varanda) e “Porsche” (a marca de automóvel) têm a pronúncia parecida. A diferença é no som do “ch” de “porch”, pronunciado com o “ch” em “tchau” ou “atchim”. O som de última sílaba de “Porsche” é semelhante ao “x” em “xícara”.

source: Tecla Sap


Michael said...

Good story Daniel. I just want to know which one of the guys was the Brazilian. I mean, it's really hard to notice that minor, but important, differences between some English words. I hardly notice the difference between sheep and ship or beach and bich. There is a funny story about an Italian guy with poor pronunciation in a hotel. You can find it on YouTube (

Covnitkepr1 said...

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