Sunday, March 26, 2006

Some cutting edge idioms I got from recent movies I’ve watched (The Island and In Good Company):

You’re cutting (the line/queue): V. está furando a fila;
You’ve been flagged for public disturbance before: V. foi “pego” por transtorno público antes;
Soft smb up: amaciar alguém (p/ facilitar as coisas);
Put it on my tab: coloca na minha conta;
Creep smb out : incomodar, “pegar no pé”;
Cut it out! : chega! Pare!
Waltz down to NBC and see if they slot us in: vamos à NBC e ver se eles nos mostram (nos põem no ar);
Everybody’s got their own little cliques: todo mundo tem suas pequenas “panelinhas”.

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