Saturday, July 30, 2005

The Age of Lead
More words about the tale:

Jane’s mother approves her friendship with Vincent ‘cause she thinks he’s not the kind of guy who could bring about bad results, such as heartaches, heaviness, or more serious consequences like babies and marriage. This is how Jane’s mom understood man, “with threatening desires”, ‘cause Jane herself had been a consequence, a mistake. That must have affected negatively Jane’s character. She also taught her during her teenager years how undesirable a woman can become when she is a “victim” of early pregnancy. Such vision of life has caused animosity between Jane and her. She is that type of person who could make anyone run away from her, including her father. That’s why Jane doesn’t blame him for leaving home, “her mother inspired in almost everyone who encountered her a vicious desire for escape”.

Atwood goes on brilliantly describing the Jane and Vincent’s affair. They get on well with each other and he becomes the first man of her life. They try to live out their utopia of unrestricted “freedom” under none’s authority. To some extent they managed it indeed, but hardships are about to come.

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