Monday, July 07, 2003

About persons...

The first: A shy person's

"Reticence" is the term that best describes a shy person's reluctance to relate to others. Reticence is an unwillingness to speak unless prodded, a disposition to remain silent, an inclination not to speak freely.

Small test:
a)How often do you experience (have experienced) these feelings of shyness? (Circle your choice)
1 = every day
2 = almost everyday
3 = often, nearly every other day
4 = once or twice a week
5 = occasionally, less than once a week
6 = rarely, once a month or less

b)Compared to your peers(friends or colleague of similar age, sex, and background), how shy are you?

1 = much more shy
2 = more shy
3 = about as shy
4 = less shy
5 = much less shy

c)Types of people who make you feel shy: (Check all that apply)

___ my parents
___ my siblings (brothers and/or sisters)
___ other relatives
___ friends
___ strangers
___ foreigners
___ authorities (by virtue of their knowledge-intellectual superiors, experts)
___ elderly people (much older than you)
___ children (much younger than you)
___ persons of the opposite sex, in a group
___ persons of the opposite sex, one-to-one
___ a person of the same sex, in a group
___ a person of the same sex, one-to-one
___ authorities (by virtue of their role-police, teacher, superior at work)

Other questions for reflection(meditation)
1.Do you know someone who is "shy and retiring"?
2.How do you get him or her to talk?

good week

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